
Hi, Hello, I'm Home.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-08-2019, 11:19 PM
The girl - no, woman, now - pranced along the edges of the territory, curiosity sparking in her gaze. She almost wanted to test her boundaries: how much could she piss the pack off before admitting that she was indeed their alpha's daughter? For she had done some information gathering, and her saber-toothed father was rather unusual; even the pack-less were oft-times familiar with those that were... unique. She'd be among that number.

Ahhh, Father. She could remember back to the day she'd met him: once again, her and her sibling's mother had ushered them along, snapping and irritated, towards their next destination. What Lyra had never expected was to meet her father that day. A smile appeared on her face at the memory; she could remember clearly the look of pure shock and surprise as her and her siblings popped into view so cheerfully.

She much preferred the time spent with her father over her mother, but it didn't take long for a peculiar bug to bite her: the wandering bug. Paws twitching to explore, she suddenly started to understand her mother's restless movement, and to a degree, even her resentment. The thought of being stuck with pups was horrifying to Lyra (though, a large part of that was that SHE was still a pup), and already she was restless and twitchy following behind her father and siblings. She wanted to see more, explore more, do everything... more.

What was surprising to her (though it shouldn't have been, Chaos was a very fair father), was that her father agreed to allow her to do it... once she was at least a yearling, of course. That of course made sense, and Lyra agreed at once; besides, she was born in the spring, and to leave in the winter would be foolish anyhow. So she stayed, learned fighting, hunting, and how to care for herself before she set off - all things she promised her dad that she would do to stay safe and smart. She practiced her climbing, and all things that she could do with her paws that other wolves couldn't.

And she left, probably around spring to summer time, to do those things. And oh, did she enjoy herself immensely; she saw so much new and shiny and fresh, and every other word that could possibly mean those things. Eventually, though, it was time to return home, and so she did. She thought about returning in the spring: an easier journey, with plentiful prey, but in the end decided not to. Why? Well, she could provide for herself now. She could hunt well, use her senses well, creep well. Her thick paws allowed her softer footsteps than even the most wary of wolves, and her ability to climb and perch like a cat offered advantages that others could not speak for.

True, she was a little skinny now, but were they all not a little skinny during winter time? The prey simply didn't run as well, and therefore wolves ate less. Either way, though, she was home, her tall and lanky frame teasing at the borders. She got tired of that, though, and now flopped her butt onto the wet ground, and tilted her head back. Some wolves called for the leader of the pack. Others still spoke their request in their howl. Lyra's?
