
You do what you have to (Pack Meeting)

Thaddeus Rogue

07-12-2013, 10:56 PM
Thaddeus Rogue watched as his brother brought the family together, and watched quietly by his mate's side as some of the members responded to Gargie's confession. Rogue was not in the land when the last volcano erupted but he had walked through the destruction after the fact. It was not a pretty, soot covering everything, killing the unlucky few that had not run for the hills. Then watched in such amusement as Cifer ran screaming for said hills, like the world was on fire again, which caused the black and white male to laugh softly to himself as his elder sister ran after him like he was her wayward pup. Ah Rogue did love his family.

Thaddeus grew serious again as Gargoyle went on to say something about scouting and what not, and looked on in shock as his brother did not call him out to begin with. Who was better suited to scout and find a good shelter then he, The Rogue? The only fellow in this ragtag band that had been a traveler since before he left his mother? And besides Rogue bet he knew the land better then all the gathered wolves put together. He smiled as the green eyed fellow said he would lead a group, well he could try. Thaddeus Rogue turned to his mate, gave her a soft kiss on the cheek then moved forward through all the wolves. "It seems my brother, that you have forgot you got a notorious vagabond in you mist. I am wounded," Rogue jested, mischief in his eyes. "Ah, but alas brother, I am willing to over look your oversight and volunteer myself for that of scout. For who knows more about being a nomad then I?" He gave his brother a teasing smile and turned back to his mate. He was worried about her, she would not be able to travel much larger, she was late in her pregnancy and very large. Her stood next to her and nuzzled her face, savoring her scent. "Just tell me when and where brother, I would like to find a new home before my get are born."