
Put the pieces back together



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
02-09-2019, 05:20 PM
While the pack still was much smaller than he'd like, things were admittedly going well so far. He was careful not to say as much aloud though lest fate decide to teach him a lesson about getting too comfortable. Today though, Ignatius was not focusing on his pack responsibilities. He had something else on his mind that he could no longer ignore - or rather, someone.

Knowing she was around and being ready to face her and the emotions surrounding their broken relationship were two different things. He'd known for some time that she'd been nearby, it would be impossible to not take notice eventually. Working up the courage to face her again with a calm and rational mind though? That took much longer than he'd expected. Maybe it was nostalgia or a longing for what had been lost that finally pushed him to leave the pack lands for the day with a new purpose in mind. Trudging through the snow as more flakes fell in lazy arcs from the heavens, Ignatius moved with more than a little trepidation not all of which was due to the difficult climb over the glaciers. Should he even try? What if it was only a coincidence that she'd stuck around. Maybe she had something else to occupy her time. She could very well not want anything to do with him anymore.

Still he'd press on. The wind picked up as he climbed higher, pulling through his thick fur and sending a chill down to the skin. Ice and snow picked up by the rolling breeze pelted him from time to time. Keeping his head down and eyes narrowed, Ignatius walked with calm determination. He'd already imagined hearing her once, so why he was so confident he'd find her this way even he couldn't be certain.