
Egyptian Feather



10 Years
Extra large
02-10-2019, 12:51 AM

OOC Name: denny

Discord: thatkidDenny#0165

Character Name: Anubis Ithuriel

Alignment: neutral evil


Black sheep, black sheep, have you any soul?

31" - light build - 2 years (summer)

Nearly sickly in appearance, he is so fine and delicate. Fragile bird bones visible across his sleek torso and in the sharp angles of his elbows. Fine china, meant to be admired but not touched. He is serpentine in every sense of the word, from his fluid grace when he moves to the hiss of breath through ebon nostrils. Slender neck and finely crafted features, picturesque elegance in every facet. Like a hand carved gem to be set into grander jewelry, he is delicately formed. Every aspect of him is thin and sharp, from broadly spaced toes to his narrow snout. Auds are thin and tall upon his petite crown, always perked to attention. A dagger taken lupine form, even his smile is sharp enough to draw blood. His coat is thin and sleek, designed to keep the blazing sun from burning his flesh and nothing more. It shines like the finest of polished and tumbled stones.

Dark as the night itself, just like his whore mother. He bore none of the typical Ithuriel gold upon emerging onto the physical plane. As he grew, the gilded hues of divinity began to highlight his elegant features. Just little hints, lightening his elbows and the backs of his thighs, blending the edges of his paws with the pale sand. The most prominent, upon his face. Lining his narrow auds and sliding up the thin bridge of his muzzle. Under his eyes, golden ichor flows like tears down his gaunt cheeks. He weeps the gods divine blood. When his tail flags over his hips, one can see the tip of that sleek banner is emblazoned with rich gold. A pale lavender gemstone was affixed within his left socket, while a rich garnet has been forced into the confines of the right.


though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

.:Aloof: He knows who he is, and he knows what his name invokes. Death. Incarnation of the one thing every living thing fears. Thus, he tends to hold himself with a preternatural ease, and move about the world with a cold look upon his face. Distant, and disinterested. He is not necessarily high and mighty, and bears very little of the typical family "holier-than-thou" attitude. He does, however, rarely lower himself to the level of mortals enough to truly enjoy their company.

.:Mischievous: A trick here, a joke there, it lightens the mood. Lifts the soul. He tends to surprise, what with his immediate demeanour seeming so sour and chilly. The humour and trickery sneaks up on others, unexpected. He tends to sneak in a wry smile every now and again, and has more than once been chased off by someone who didn't take his jokes all that well.

.:Spiritual: He was named knowingly. From a young age, he showed promise at being able to commune with the dead and the local spirits. By use of hallucinogens, he has proven himself to be able to reach through the gate, just as his namesake does. The dead are revered for their knowledge, and he will often reach out to them for advice when necessary. Trances and meditative states are his favoured methods, though he has been known to spill blood in order to read entrails or the patterns in the dirt from spurting fluids.

.:Disdainful: Anubis holds others to high standards. To him, they are a bare minimum of decency amongst mortals and gods alike. However, he is often left disappointed. He can often be seen with a curl to his lip, disgusted by the behaviour of those around him. The next most common would be the classic eye roll- it's withstood the test of time as an appropriate response to foolishness.

.:Manipulative: Mortals, demigods, and the divine are his puppets. He drags them about on their strings, and plucks at their chords as he pleases. The harbinger moves his little puppets about as he sees fit, shuffling them like chess pieces. He will be sickly sweet and affectionate where he needs to be, and the next moment cruel and unfeeling. A veritable chameleon, he is whatever the situation calls for when he so deigns to rise to the occasion.

roam about, figure out where he stands in these lands.
Run into his half siblings, and be immediately shooketh!
Definitely needs to eat at least two people. Probably NPC's though, I'm not a monster
Take some slaves, or thralls maybe? I could see him drawing weaker minds like moths to flame
Maybe join a pack?