
Starting to forget



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-10-2019, 02:44 PM

The industrious little healer wished to collected honey in the freezing temperatures of winter, when the bees would be huddled together in their hive, and sneaking and stealing would be easier jobs. Not to mention, no sane bee would leave their hive to retaliate. Honey had always been a difficult ingredient for her to harvest, her 25” of height didn’t leave her with much reach, and it could be a dangerous job throughout every other season.

With empty jars in her satchel, and a plan in her mind, she would go on a journey to the North, the colder realm of the land and begin her search there. The hike up to the North was long, and she wasn’t a large fan of the cold in the first place. She often found herself huddling in a makeshift den, questioning her own sanity. Yet, her determination never wavered.

Days after leaving Kesali, the healer would find herself approaching the Red Forest, only to find, to her surprise, that a pack now resided here. She had no idea when this had happened, and who was there now, and kept far from their borders. She remembered the Mile hile woods, not far behind her and considered making her way back to those woods in the hopes that her first sweep through had simply missed a hive. She sighed softly, and instead, skirted further around the territory and continued on in the hopes that she would find what she sought on the other side of these woods.

It didn’t take her long to realise her mistake, and her short legs quickly began to struggle in the deepening snow. There would be no more forests and trees, places for bees to live the further North she went from here. She had no choice but to turn around, teeth chattering, and shivering in her coat, the healer would kick a pile of snow in frustration, only to find no give beneath her paws. She yelped a surprised howl as she tumbled forward, and downwards.

She landed hard in the hidden trench, the air knocked from her lungs, and she took a moment to suck in lung fills and steady her wavering paws. Once she was more certain of her footing, she stretched up, and tried to find the exit to whatever this was. It quickly became obvious that she was too short to see where the surface was, and trying just brought snow down upon her, she yelped, and jumped away from a snow dump and shook out her coat, shivering and frustrated, she would start through the trench and try to find another way out.
