
Late Fall Cleaning



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-10-2019, 04:57 PM

Valdís had never felt her heart hammer in her chest so painfully. She'd never felt fear quite like this, not even during the siege. Then she had a strong surge of excitement and dreams of glory to dull her fears and reservations. Right now all she had was hope. Hope that she hadn't just forced a wedge of unease into one of her only friendships. Ásvor looked stunned. Valdís looked swiftly at her paws, quickly losing her nerves. What the frick had she just done? She was anxious to fill the silence with more words but her throat was burning, a knot of nerves silencing her as she battled internally.

"I feel the same way."

A whoosh of breath expelled from her lungs as her emerald eyes shot up to meet Ásvor's face. Was this happening? Spirits above this was happening! She stared dumbly at Ásvor as the woman continued to speak, almost not daring to believe what she heard. Her heart was still beating away rapidly but now each beat had a new feeling to it. Fear melted into joy and she grinned, feeling so happy she felt she might cry. She swallowed hard, trying to reign in her emotions. Ásvor stepped close and she felt her heart flutter, her gut stir. Ásvor pressed her nose to Valdís cheeek.

I think I've felt this way for awhile, but I wasn't quite sure how to tell you.

She took another deep breath. "I… I am so glad to hear you say that. Thank you. Thank you." She felt her words failing again and so she reached forward to like at Ásvor's cheek, wishing to make her feelings clearer even if her words were still fumbling about in her head.

"Talk" "You" Think