
You Are Not A Parking Ticket



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-11-2019, 07:07 PM
The colorful youngling spoke up in a manner that, while the greeting was informal, gave the impression of a respectful and earnest sort of child. Her name confirmed his guess that she was another one of Angelus and Artemis' litter, and she was aware of their own familial relationship though she was quick to add that she had no intention of looking to take advantage of it and would work hard.

Her words wound down, and Chaos let silence reign for the moment as he regarded her with lazily narrowed eyes, clearly looking her up and down as though measuring the strength in her smaller frame. He kept his casual grin but he had to hide a moment of surprised approval behind it lest it spoil the suspense. For a yearling, she had surprisingly good muscle tone. Definitely the physique he would expect from a highly experienced hunter, and not one he'd have expected to see on a mere yearling. It made him wistfully recall hunting mountain goats alongside her mother years ago in Crew and regretted that he'd never made a serious move on Artemis before Angel had barged in and, as far as Chaos was concerned away because bro code and all that, laid claim to her. Well, Angel and Art's genes had certainly mixed in a satisfactory manner and he had his own litter from Artemis' sister so he wasn't complaining. Leto had given him children he could be proud of and, at this first measuring glance, he came to the conclusion that Angelus and Artemis had definitely given him a niece he could be proud of, too.

He judged he'd kept the girl in suspense fully as long as a yearling could be expected to be held in that state for without bursting, so he let his judgey little smirk widen into a pleased and welcoming expression. "I'm glad to hear you aren't here looking for a free pass, because there are none in Legion. Just as glad to have another hunter around," he added, thoughtfully. There were only a handful of them in the pack who had the more specialized hunt skills. Sure, just about every wolf could reasonably catch themselves a meal, but not everyone knew just the right way to stalk and kill, or to work together with another skilled hunter to bring down prey efficiently. It had been a while since he'd gotten to really push his own boundaries in hunting. "We'll have to have ourselves a nice little hunt one of these days to test your skills - I'll bring you out myself, since I've got a good amount of hunt experience and I've owl companions who can keep an eye on things from above - but until then..." He tilted his heavy head towards pack lands in a beckoning gesture, and grinned. "Welcome to Legion, Aerndis."

He gave it a moment of thought, then gestured for the young wolf to follow him and set out along the border. Might as well get her knowledgeable about where everything was while they were both here, and get to know his niece a bit while he was at it. "So, niece," he said casually, enjoying the way that sounded. Made him understand a little better why his dad kept all his kids around him, despite whatever friction it might have caused with his mate. Family was too important to let go of without regret. "Tell me about yourself."

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write