
Welcome to Hell



3 Years
02-12-2019, 09:26 AM

The expressionless face the woman wore hardly bothered him, however, he noticed it and took note in case it would be of use later. Apparently, blood meant something to her and where she came from seemed to have similar feelings towards family. Carthage held the Klein Empire close, however, as of late, he’d been losing faith in Hannibal. Unless he had other plans and was doing a damn good job at keeping it a secret, Carthage believed him to be growing weak. Regardless of the reason everyone was forced to leave their home, he didn’t believe in following under an unknown wolf. He joined anyway, choosing to trust Hannibal’s decision rather than question it.

It appeared Leera could read his mind, questioning him on his mention of an Empire. He had mentioned nothing about Hannibal starting it, just that he himself would be around for it rise. Although he assumed Hannibal would rebuild the Empire here, perhaps it would fall on Carthage’s shoulders. He wasn’t sure he could manage leading an entire Empire, but if Hannibal wouldn’t do it, someone would. Jekyll was also an option for leading the Klein’s former home, but regardless, he was adamant to fall in the ranks of the Empire again before kissing the toes of some other man.

“I’ve yet to talk to him about such things, however, although he is essential to the Klein family, I think we’d be more than fine without him should this little crush move on into a full-blown loyalty.” His eyes narrowed at the woman, testing her to tattle. He couldn't care less if Tyranis threw him out for mutiny, he was only here for Hannibal, anyway. If Hannibal truly knelt for this man, Carthage would be surprised, however, it wouldn’t have been the first time his siblings had surprised him. He wondered what their family would think; Hannibal kissing the toes of someone who isn’t Klein blood, someone who he’d just met. Carthage spent plenty of time in the company of others, but never would he bow before them and allow them to lead his life. Hell, he hardly allowed it in the Empire, but there was absolutely no way he’d let some impure... stranger control him like a little puppet. 
