
Dreams are coming true



7 Years
02-12-2019, 09:49 PM

She felt like her life was running in overdrive. Everything was moving forward so quickly, but she wouldn't change it. She had a lovely night with Typhon and was old enough to know what may happen because of it. Although the women wasn't positive, if there was any potential she wanted to ensure that the brood would be healthy. This meant she needed to seek out a healer, the only one she had known of was Serene. She had looked for Serene, but couldn't find her so she needed a new plan. She hadn't really gotten to know many of her pack mates. The only ones she knew where the ones that had come from Ash's old pack. She didn't know who else was a healer within the pack and she knew her work would be cut out for her looking for one. She had thought that possibly the garden would be the best choice to start her search.

She quietly stepped into the garden, for the first time since their move. Teal eyes looked around taking in the various looking plants that inhabited it. She was careful as she moved, not wanting to potentially disturb or even break any of the plants. Coming from a bloodline filled with healers she knew the plants were important and she did not want to harm them in anyway. She was one of a few in her generation that didn't fallow in the elders steps of learning healing so she couldn't recognize which was herb or weeds. Either way she weaved cautiously through the garden keeping her eyes peeled for any wolf within the garden.

The further she went the more she realized how big the garden actually was. This could take her a while if she didn't get lost within here first. For a moment she stopped her eyes settling on a very pretty flower. She didn't get to close, but found herself attracted to it's beauty. It made her pause in her search to just visually take in the beautiful petals and color.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"