
[birth] descendants of mine



7 Years
02-13-2019, 01:24 AM

Only an hour ago the blackness was absolute, but now the mist was visible, silvery. Against this backdrop the trees were silhouettes, still as an oil painting and darker than the ravens. Come mid-morning those infernal birds will be hopping in the branches, waiting for when the collectors haul their carts down the lane. There was a temptation to hunker down in her den, her three devil chops were sleeping soudly; little snores could be heard through the silent den, here and there, everywhere the walls echoed. It was full of energy, of life.

The sky was glowing like a summer peach and the sun was starting to slowly become pure gold upon the silver sky that graced her now open fiery gaze. The colours of the foliage returned to the winters ivory and the warm morning breeze found its way within, sending a pleasant shiver down the bronze Goddess reptilian spine. A sound penetrated the air moments later. A voice. A call. One that she was oh, so very familiar with. Leera. she purred, an octave above a whisper, careful not to wake the spawns that were cuddling at her chest. The ashen woman  moment of glory has finally arrived, her offsprings were here, the High Lord legacy was brought to life by the woman womb and she could not be more happier for her friend than when she was when the howl graced her delicate auditory system that was gracefully placed upon her regalia, rotating towards the source.

Hannibal. she nudged the crown of the man with her snout, careful as she rose from her spot, leaving the spawns with the male. She had to be there. Tell Eulogy to stay with them and come. You must show your face too. she purred melodiously towards the man, more of a command than a suggesstion. He was a high ranking individual of the pack. His presence was also required in social situations such as these where congratulations where in order. Not only did the woman assist and aid in the birth of their own litter but those were the offsprings of their Ruler, their King, it was an important event they had to participate in. The heirs of the Kingdom had been born.

She took off before him, it was more important for her to see the woman and her offsprings than socialization and upon arrival the autumn woman offered only a nod towards the King before she halted at a good distance of her friend. Congratulations, my love. harmonious sonnates, whispers within the dark confainment of the cage, careful not to disturb the little ones. They will be strong. They are already. she offered the statement towards the King without taking her fiery orange gaze from the ashen queen.

The babe allowed her friend a few moments to adjust with the company, with the sounds, she knew very well now how the pain and exhaustation of labour can make of a woman mind and body. But when it was acceptable, she leaned her crown towards her own, rubbing her snout on her forehead, gently, affectionately as she whispered for her ears alone, We will protect those ones. I swear to you.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together