
Things You See In A Graveyard



4 Years
02-13-2019, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2019, 10:59 PM by Tyranis.)

The king left his pack lands in search of food he could bring to the woman that had bore his most recent litter. Truth be told she was already beginning to wear on him and now that his pups had been born he considered her to be of little consequence. Once his children were weaned and could fend for themselves he considered asking the dowager woman to leave Erovrare, so he could raise his children with no doubt of the strength of their parental lineage.

He ducked his head into the murky water and raised it with a flailing fish grasped tightly in his jaws then carried his still thrashing catch to a bank of tall grass. He hoped it would be the first of many but with the chill of winter touching even the southern lands food was never certain. He held the sizeable fish until  it ceased moving then dropped it and returned to the bog to try his luck on a second catch. His ears moved with the sounds of chirping insects and croaking frogs. He considered bringing one of the vile creatures to Leera to show his distaste of her, but ultimately decided against it. More and more his thoughts turned to Korinna, the grey woman who had stayed with him through the fall of Ruina. She was no thing of beauty but she was large and strong, and no doubt the children they made would be monsters compared to the litter Leera had given him.

His mind wandered and his guard began to drop, he focused less and less on the world around him and more on the dark pool underneath him, hoping for a flash of silver scales against the dark surface.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  