
Those Who Fare Forward (band creation)



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
02-13-2019, 11:17 PM
Alfrun dipped her head in acknowledgement of the woman who shared her relationship to Laufey, but otherwise remained silent. As much as she wished to know the truth of what had happened so long ago, she had no wish to interrupt her niece any further. She would track Eisleif down another time and ask the questions which longed to burst from her.

Her odd eyes focused back to Valkyrie as the young woman began to speak, and though others slipped in as the new leader talked Alfrun gave them not a glance, her attention focused instead of Valk's words and the way the lights seemed to weave around her. She had a halo of light around her, today, but the shadow of ravens seemed to pass through it. Runa spared a glance upward, but Tanken had glided away - it was not his shadow. She turned her attention back with some satisfaction. She felt nothing threatening in the raven-shadows she saw, but rather the spirits of carrion-eaters waiting for the feasts they would undoubtedly be given by this young warrior's exploits. What others may have viewed as madness, or myth, was as real to Alfrun as the air she breathed and the earth she trod upon.

She realized then that while she watched the spirit-ravens flit about the young Finnvi, Valk had stopped speaking, and others had spoken to offer their support for her cause, leaving a beat of silence as Alfrun remained quiet in her contemplation. She blinked, coming fully back to herself, and gave her niece a dreamy smile that tugged open the harelip she still bore to bare a twisted fang. "Drottin," she spoke solemnly, inclining her head deeply in a gesture of respect, "I pledge to you, my body and mind and magic, in whatever manner I may serve you and the Finnvi. My service to Hjarrandi, and to the gods." From his hover far above and behind her, Tanken added a harsh croaking caw of emphasis, and Alfrun's eyes half-closed as she nodded, clearly pleased by the circumstances.