


02-14-2019, 12:22 AM
The other bones were suddenly unimportant as he studied the skull. While he agreed with Halvar's assessment that the rib would make a nice knife, other thoughts were preoccupying his mind. Shrugging and offering a thin smile, Kvasir laughed, "Maybe not planning, but certainly preparing for. Raids, and other things." Somehow he didn't doubt that raids were a possibility here, though who would lead them he could not yet know.

"Any ideas for that thing?" his sibling asked, clearly already seeing the wheels turning in Kvasir's mind. Not surprising. He never had a great poker face. "Yes, actually. But I think I'll need more materials. Hmm... We should find a river somewhere. I'll need clay." he murmured, turning the skull once more with his paw as he took mental notes of it's condition and began making his plans. Turning back to the sand and scrap around them, he debated looking for more items around the heap of assorted rubble. There could be some decent finds hidden among the trash. After some debating he scooped up the skull and moved to lead the way between the rusted out metal beats in search of other good finds.

He walked in that unique way that looked somehow aimless and purposeful at the same time, occasionally poking his head in an open car door but mostly finding little of use. Something shiny stuck in the dirt glinted at him and upon further inspection he found it was a length of chain, mostly buried in the ground. Setting the skull down, he clawed at it, trying to decide how much might be stuck and if it was worth digging out. "Deciding what's worth gathering is always the worst part," he mused aloud to Halvar. It always irritated him when he failed to get something and later ended up needing it.