
Eye Of Newt, And Toe Of Frog



3 Years
02-14-2019, 12:59 AM

She would stand there, her beautiful features placid, pliant and yet cold, empty the way you could describe it was that she represented a corpse now, a dying vessel; no longer the fanatic, rapid she-wolf she presented at first. No. No, she was lightless, lifeless, as if the soul left her body to leave nothing but a shadow behind.

What will you do, little rabbit? she questioned, her voice was like ice, cold and hard. Calculated to a T.

She approached again, not enough to touch but enough for her cerulean gaze to lock into her own magenta one, seeking something. Something.

Sorrow. Black.

Of not earned sorrows was your life. And I see more in your future cutting deep as a knife. every single word was hissed, meant to cut into the woman using bare words.

I am the big she shifted her weight, bad moving closer, she could feel her breath on her face wolf she spatted with a hiss, and if the other would not move, droplets of saliva would reach upon her beautiful visage of the ashen woman due to her hissing speech impediment.

You are nothing but prey. she said defiantly, her crown moving to the side of bit in order for the smirk to pain her facial features once again though this time it was mild, tame.

I am going to fuck you up. the woman mimicked a bite close to the other ear, if she had not moved.

You should be careful with me, foul creature. she hissed, retreating her form a notch in order to leave the other enough place to respond, react, do something rather than throw her mouth right and left. She was a rabbit, prey. Nothing but a dog who barked at the wrong tree. Bark, that was all she did, bark but no bite. No flame. No spark.

Heed, and listen closely.

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.