
Fire for my soul


02-14-2019, 01:05 AM
Joining Valkyrie's band had been a little while ago now. The whole thing was interesting, but Kvasir had a feeling he was not quite as excited as Aesir probably was. Nothing against the girl of course, he just wasn't thirsting for a raid the same. Actually, he had lots else to attend to and none of it involved fighting. With the skull in his jaws and a large clump of clay filling the inside of it, he'd made his way a little ways north after getting directions from a random traveler he'd bumped into. Funny looking fellow, but his redeeming quality had been that he'd pointed Kvasir in the direction of a place where lava ran close to the surface of the earth. There was a certain bounce in his step, as though he was almost skipping his way across the mostly barren ground. After pausing earlier to get a drink at a thin stream that trickled through the space between points of interest the viking was feeling rather good.

When the ground began to change and darken in color and he thought he felt the temperature shifting Kvasir knew he was getting close and picked up the pace, excited to see if he could make his idea work.