
Things You See In A Graveyard



3 Years
02-14-2019, 01:54 AM
Long had the spider-with held her inner pain to be the fault of others, caused by others. She was the Oracle, the Voodoo Queen, her choices where not her own but the spirits! Never once had she looked into the mirror of her own soul and asked what different choices she could make, not for her own sake, she was already the fallen one, fell to deep into the abyss to be rescued, but for the sake of others, for the sake of the blood that she shared with others.

Blood! Oh how hungry she was. She was starving. Her last meal was that damned, rotten excuse of a coyote and the blood of the man she met along the way. But that wasn't enough. Never enough!

Her thoughts came back to her, in each moment she made only choices for herself with little regards of others, the ghouls protected her, they made her do it, they made her kill ,betray. She was the star of her own show after all. She never surrendered to whatever fear came her way - as cowards do. Her features turned into disgust at the mere thought of the word. Yet she admitted to manipulate them. She would kiss the boot of ant King only to slash his throat with her claws later. She played the long game. She would not fall to the mistakes of petty amateurs that would salivate and jump at the mere sight of fortune and food. No. She will starve, wait, scheme and plan. Everything had to be perfect and it will be hers for the taking. Were she in war she'd be a traitor, crying, "What else could I have done?" when she was confronted with her darkness. Should her choice be a splinter in her own finger for all eternity or to burn the world, he would see it as no choice at all... ....Obviously. she muttered to herself, quietly. She would burn the world. See the flames and then descend into them herself. Burning herself with it. That was her only motivation, her only meaning. She wanted to raise hell, to raise chaos to end it all. To end creation. That is why Father always said the worst of traits is cowardice, for, over a lifetime, one born will all potential to be good and kind will be nothing but a source of rot in humanity. In her mind she was good. She will end the cruelty, the rotten world with rotten beings for the hell was empty and all devil were here. She was doing good, she was doing them all a service! she was sending them back where they belonged, in the land of the dead, after all she had friends on the other side.

It was no accident that it was the reptile, the snake, that symbolizes evil in all of their myths. For these creatures did not require love to raise their young like mammals do, like wolves seemed to do. As such, the reptiles did not evolve an ability to feel love, only to survive. Likewise the spider-witch does not feel love, she was an evolutionary throw-back to our reptilian brains, an accident of genetics. But damned be all if she did not consider that to her advantage. She was deep in thoughts when cerulean gaze fell upon a figure in the darkness of her new home.

Stranger. Male. Demon

Yes, a male. A stranger. But a demon? The woman never encoutered such a creature from the warmest parts of hell. The breeze carried his scent to her and she knew she was closer than she thought even though the male did not seem to notice her. Alas, it was hard to distinguish the woman, darkness wrapped around her pigmentation and she was one with the shadows.


Yes. How closer could she be without getting noticed she wondered.

She always was a being of action and so she sinisterly cawled closer, her skeleton frame low upon the earth to resemble the reptiles she mimicked. It was the scent that she did not bother to conceal and yet the woman was not against the breeze, her scent would not be carried away that easily.

Was he fishing? She wondered herself , within the depths of her own damaged mind, as she peered closer.

Seven tails away. Wait.

Five tails away. Wait.

Three tails away. Wait.


Not yet. she responded low in her throat, the hissing was loud enough to be audible for those that were paying attention.

She came closer to the stash of fish and disgust once again painted her features. Vile creatures equaled vile food. Who would eat such monstrosities?

Hunger. Her stomach rumbles easily the moment her massive paws touched the water, letting her presence be known as disturbances occured in circles and spirals within the pool.

The water might lead to a feast, she straightened her frame, but you, demon of many evils, chose the least.


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.