
Save me from my selfish pride



6 Years
02-14-2019, 02:20 AM
She couldn't help but giggle at the antics of the fox cubs as they continued to be fascinated by her. This was exactly the reason Iskra had gotten used to the attention ages ago. If she bothered to be exasperated she'd be feeling that way almost every time she met someone new. It was easier to just take these things in stride. Plus, the foxes were cute. She'd have to be heartless to find them anything but adorable. The comment about a red wolf wasn't lost on her even as she bowed, tail wagging gently to almost match the kid's energy. "I do like to imagine there's a story behind why I wear the stars, although I think I could cook up a pretty good story myself... Maybe if we meet again I'll have to tell you guys. That is, if that sort of thing appeals to you." She said with a grin. Maybe she hadn't really been the best role model when she was younger, but Iskra always had enjoyed kids. They matched her energy and adventurous spirit more often than other adults did.

"Eh," she shrugged and smirked at the alabaster male, "I don't mind. Long as no one's pulling my tail we're good." That had definitely happened before and she had one hundred percent struggled to not squish the little bugger. "Pleasure's all mine. I'm Iskra Aeris. What brings you here, if you don't mind my prying?" Glancing back at the frosty land around them, Iskra wondered how cold this winter was going to get. She'd go further south and avoid it, but... that wasn't an option. Looking to the clouds, she decided it didn't look like it was going to snow today, even though there was a faint hint of that snow smell in the air.