
I'm Not as Think as you Drunk I am



2 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 03:30 AM
That smile that betrayed how close she was to laughing wouldn't leave her lips as she listened to him ramble on in a senseless tirade about the sense or lack or sense in trying to make sense of senseless things in a life that made no sense. Was this headache from him or the fruit? Probably both. She took a few more bites in the hopes that fermented fruit might be the root of all sense. "I'll tafe your word for if" she said around a mouthful, shaking her head to clear it of the nonsense that just entered.

"Sounds like a hell of a life you lead, sir. Guess I'm jus too darn friendly to go without introducing myself, although a lack of personal investment in a passing acquaintance does have some appeal, not gonna lie." It'd be great if she could translate that sort of bare minimum relationship to pack life. Then again... Kinda already had. Not like Cael really went outta her way to go bond and make friends. She didn't even talk to Corvus or Peggy all that much even though they were probably the closest to friends she had in the pack. Oops.

"uh huh. Guess I'll just have to take your word for that too, then. I'm Caelestis. No fancy last name though unfortunately," she mused. Why didn't her parents have last names? She'd never really considered that before. They were just Caelum and Zephyr. She was just Caelestis. She'd make one up but that might be kind of weird... "How many Imperialis' are there? I never heard that name before."
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!