
The fun is just starting



3 Years
02-14-2019, 03:31 AM
The sunrays faell as a blanket of white upon the scenery before her. In their glow the ivory branches of the few trees laid papery and delicate, drinking in the energy the trees crave. These rare warm days must be better than anything for all the flora, an all-you-can-eat buffet until sundown however she cannot see it. Being day blind did not do her any good even though her eyes were a little bit better than others in the night time. The air had a gentle head upon it as the spider-witch laid against a tree bark, concelead from view fore she was in a vulnerable state, it was not warm, or cold, but tepid.

On the ground underneath her laid the wetness of a recent rain-shower, soaking into the dark mud as it melted away at the snow. She imagined herself alone until she stops to really listen to the sounds around her. She was never alone, was she? A low chuckle arouse from the back of her throat, in a way dusty and false. The spirits were all around her in this territory and she could feel their presence even in the day time. Why was she awake in such a state? What were the spirits trying to make her "see". The trees were alive with birds and squirrels. And there were the gentle trops of another being, much bigger, much more..muscular. She was not alone at all, yet the solitude she can achieve in nature feels like a running faucet- draining away her stress. But now there was this unknown stranger with an unfamiliar scent that made her fur bristle, standing like ice. Her hackles were raised and her muscles tenses while the pads drew near, she was on the point of defense. This was not her first tango in the dark.


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.