
Fear Me, Consume Me



5 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 03:53 AM
I used to rule the world.
Seas would rise when I gave the word.
From a distance the waterfall had been like a silent white stream cascading over the rocky outcrops. As the luciferian king had drawn closer the noise had increased steadily until he stood only a few hundred metres away. He could no longer even shout to another being if it were there over the deafening roar of the water. Closer still he drew until he was in the plume of water vapour that hung over the plunge pool and in only minutes he was as wet as he would have been in any rainstorm. The egyptian silk tapestry clung to his feline-like body and around his handsome face, but no matter how wet he became, it could not dampen his spirits. He stood in awe of the exquisite brilliance of the water. The cleansing shall and will begin in mere moments. He might have been a fallen King of a glorious Empire, he might have been of royal blood but he never once forgot his tradition, his ancestors and he never strayed from his path. Maybe that was the reason why the Gods and Goddesses above kept him alive through so much suffering and he managed to grip upon his last bit of sanity. There was no question that they were are fallen Gods and Demi-Gods that were trapped in equally beautiful mortal vessels but he, unlike his spawns, seems to have managed to keep most of his ethereal grace and power. Muscles were rippling under the soft tissues he possessed as his tail stood proud, emananing dominance over the world and all it possessed.

" words of a god"
"words of ramses"

I used to roll the dice.
Feel the fear in my enemies eyes.
html by castlegraphics; image by ghostlyspirit
Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise