
Starting to forget



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
02-14-2019, 04:11 AM
Standing silently and just sort of hoping that his howl would elicit a response wasn't really his ideal game plan but it was better than nothing. Whoever was out here better actually have needed help. If he was freezing his ass off for nothing he'd-

A response! With a start Ignatius began moving, plowing through the snow faster than before while still trying to be careful not to take a nosedive into anymore hidden trenches. Most of them he'd discovered he was capable of jumping across, long as he found the edge without tumbling in. Ig had to remind himself to not get careless despite having a direction now. It wouldn't do anyone any good for him to waste time having to climb out of a trench himself.

The woman kept howling, helping him to figure out where in the sea of white she might be. Now that he was close to her he knew the voice was not Kirsi's, but he still had every intention of helping whoever this was. As another of her calls faded, Ignatius finally thought he saw some churned up snow ahead of him. Barking a few times to alert her that he was approaching, Ig picked his way closer. Hopping over one hidden trench, he finally saw where the snow over another of the trenches was broken up. "Hello?" he called, moving to stand as close to the edge as he could safely without slipping. Searching the space below, the thought he saw a dark shape nearby. "Hello?" he repeated, "Come closer, I can pull you out," At least, he hoped he could. He sort of assumed as long as the other was smaller than him that it shouldn't be a problem.