
Fear Me, Consume Me



5 Years
02-14-2019, 04:13 AM
Blue eyes stood firm as the dame listened to sounds of the waterfall that reverberated in her ears. She had only came upon these lands after a couple days now, and already the sights were quite breath-taking to the female. A small smile spread across her maw as the little sounds of birds that stayed behind sung their harmonious tune despite being outdone by the sounds of the cascading water that fell downwards. Orabelle was so caught up in her own little world of beauty, that she hadn't realized another male before her. Though she was not trying to be rude, the scenes were just too breath-taking not to behold. The bits of foliage added color and texture to the world, as she could see her pristine face clearly in the water as her tail swayed freely upon the stone surface of which she stood upon. If only her old home caught her attention such as this place. Quite a long time had passed since she was in her old region, becoming a nomad for quite a while in hopes she could either settle down in a land such as this, or perhaps even find a pack of which she could join and maybe start a family. Even though she was a bit older, choices were still endless to her.

Her icy pools looked down into the water once more, thinking that it might be a good spot to fish. Despite the frigid temperatures, her long and fluffy coat kept most of the cold away so she could focus on her life. When a fish happened to present itself to her, she quickly went downwards upon it, her canines biting into it's cold flesh as it wiggled trying to break free, but, after some time it went limp as she set it down in front of her as she lied down with her prize.