
Too Cold [Nyx]


07-13-2013, 12:11 PM

To Tiberious' mild horror, a voice called out to him. It was a friendly, bubbly call so instead of fearing for his life, he feared only for his dignity. He winced and sighed, shaking out his fur thoroughly before turning to gaze upon his visitor. Luckily he found not a grown wolf but a pup, about his age by the looks of things. It was a girl too, and he liked talking to those. A wag struck up in his tail and he grinned a little bit, trying to take on a suave persona and banking on a hope that she hadn't seen him shouting at the sky. "Hey there, yourself. I'm Tiberious. Here for a swim, the water is pretty refreshing." A voice inside his head grumbled, Yeah, that's one way to put it...

He gave this young, dark furred shewolf a once over and smiled to himself. She seemed to radiate a happy energy, and an infectious one at that. Everything from her posture to her voice to even the glint in her eyes shone with a life-loving vivaciousness that he appreciated. His nose picked up on the hints of a pack, and the thought crossed his mind that other wolves might be near by, and he could only hope they were as cheerful as she was. He shook once more, gently this time so as not to get any water on his companion, and sat down smoothly on his haunches, waiting for a reply.

Speech, Thoughts.