
bury a friend



7 Years
02-14-2019, 04:14 AM
been meaning to post in here since Thys had the pleasure to meet Ezio
she will be curious about his time here

An early winter morning and there was a frosty chill in the air. The sweet surrendering scent of the morning dew and her three devil chops filled the den with a scent that does not belong on earth. The winter snow from the tall trees lay scattered on the forest floor; the wind must have blown quite harshly last night. The dark shadows of the voluminous trees and the surrounding bushes had become the backbone of this Kingdom territory. The trees stood as passive protectors of this seemingly peaceful place. As the winter sun rose in a timely hurry as if trying to make up for setting too early the evening before, the sun bloomed into the pale sky with a warm mellow glow, sending what is left of the numskulled moon packing until its next shift guarding the night. The mid-morning sky was a brilliant bright baby blue. As the morning developed the sound of young birds began to fulfill the air with a lovely feel, they chirped, tweeted and warbled incessantly. The spawns will wake up early, she shoul-- a call, a howl, forced her audits to gracefully yet rapidly turn upon the source of it. She was almost certain it was coming from the borders. What was peculiar was that the ashen queen, Leera, was the one to make the call. What was she doing there?

Curiosity picked at her back bone as she decided it was her day to stretch her own limbs, leaving the three spawns in the care of their Father, their Alpha and their protector.

The walk was relatively fast, their territory did not stretched far and way and their den was not that far away either yet her elegance was uncanny, specially since she got rid of the weight. Her excessivly long tail stand proud, curling against her reptilian spine with just her tip upwards like ice, she radiated regality and dominance through every pore. A small meeting took place. Fiery orange optics gazed upon each of them, offering a small courtesy nod, Leera being the only one that got a smile from the bronze woman. I did not expect to see you here, Ezio. she purred her sultry tones, vampiric, her vibrato emitted the alure of a siren, pulling one in towards her carnal intents.

haunt me down

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together