
Fear Me, Consume Me



5 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 04:35 AM
I used to rule the world.
Seas would rise when I gave the word.
The time has come. The ice that slightly formed around the shoreline breaks beneath the massive beast pads -- cold water, no breath, a stingy pain where ever the ice cold water touches. There was no going in slowly, it would only make it worse and he knew better, this was a ritual his ancestors performed every season and he has to keep the tradition alive. After all, tradition and knowledge is all that was left of his old home, of his old Empire. The sunlight that was so strong just seconds ago was only a blur. The luciferian front limbs flail against the icy water that steals heat from every part of his skin. The only way was to dive in and let the cold water surround him all at once, hoping the heat from his muscles will be enough to keep the shivering at bay but his lips almost turned blue if that was even possible. When the water reached his abdominal region he knew it was the time to start and so, with a deep breath he sat on his haunches amist the ice water, knowing full well he will have to find shelter afterwards or risk disease. Such was the fate of mortal vessels, they perished and die but his soul shall be reborn if the Gods above did not gave his pedestal back among them. "Water of all life and well-being." his masculine baritones escaped his shivering lips as he began his ritual, "I am using water to wash myself of the filth, to purify myself and to live; I am here to thank you for such gracious gift." he ended his prayer as he remained still, silver optics snapped shut, he relied on his other senses instead though his auditory systems were defenseless against the hunderous roars of the cascade.

" words of a god"
"words of ramses"

I used to roll the dice.
Feel the fear in my enemies eyes.
html by castlegraphics; image by ghostlyspirit
Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise