
Fear Me, Consume Me



5 Years
02-14-2019, 04:49 AM
The sound of water happened to catch her off guard, eyes shooting towards the source as she saw a male off in the distance. His fur and complexion was something to behold, that was for sure. But, she was unsure as to why he would plummet into such cold water without even thinking. Did he wish to suffer hypothermia or just die right there in front of her? Her cranium tilted to the side as she heard him speak. The way the brute said everything it seemed like a prayer to some higher deity. She didn't even have time to enjoy her snack as she was now focused upon the stranger who was obviously cold at this point. Her eyes shifted, shaking her cranium.

"Tha coltas gu bheil miann bàis ort. Bidh an fuachd gu cinnteach ag iarraidh ort ma dh'fhuiricheas tu a-staigh an sin ro fhada. Tha thu gu math bog airson seo a dhèanamh leat fhèin agus bidh a bhith a 'smaoineachadh gu bheil do Dhia a' gabhail ris an seo." In no way was the dame trying to be rude, but knowing he probably doesn't know her language, she might as well speak as much English as she knew. At least the brute wouldn't know she called him dumb, but, she would consider herself as such if she thought swimming in cold temperatures would be a good idea. He seemed to be having fun, so if he wished to risk a limb and throw caution to the wind, she wouldn't give a damn, it was his loss.

English Translation: "You seem to have a death wish. The cold will certainly claim you if you stay in there for too long. You're quite dumb for doing this to yourself and thinking your God will be accepting of this."