
As Above So Below



7 Years
02-14-2019, 04:56 AM

A gaping hole in a mountain, littered with tiny sparkling crystals not unlike the stars of the night sky, yet it was so mysterious... Inside the cavern, darkness was eternity. It was like an invisible force, crushing your body, squeezing the life out of you...And the same happened with the bronze babe. She found herself wondering again, it was a old habit hard to crack started when she ran free from her imprisonment as a slave. Her delicate framen slithered across the cavern, deeper yet than she already was. Your Ladyship. came the dark, masculine tones of her companion, Alphonse, that  never once left her side since they were reunited. Alphonse was the obsidian caracal that saved the young Goddess from her enslavement days, she rescued her in a way; why does the male think he owes her anything was beyond her reasoning and logic however he quickly became loyal to her. Their fondness from one another was strictly business however fore they made a pact. He was to aid in her escape if he shall eat her body and try for the first time lupine flesh whenever she died. He was to kill her when the time was right. But that seems to be further and further away fore the bright days of her litter emerging into the light were not that far into the future now. She had to live for her three devil chops and she knew he understood the delay.

The babe never once gazed upon him, he was to be her shadow, her eyes and ears where she could not reach. She only offered a small hum to aknowledge him.

How far do you intend to go? he questioned her. Dare she say that she felt a small amount of concern from the stern and cold feline? Perhaps this darkness started to play tricks on her.

Surprisingly enough, this was the only place the autumn babe found herself able to think. A place were all her senses were numbed by the blackness that surrounded them, by the shadows and darkness that embraced their almost similar feline bodies. Her sight was taken, there were no sounds within the cavern other than a few drop sof water. She might be able to find peace. We will see. came the dulcet hissed sonnates of her Highness, her Ladyship. She was his superior and he was nothing but another pawn to her, another pawn to move as she desired for the most favorable outcome. This was another thing she needed to think about, another thing she needed to teach her spawns; to never trust and only use for their benefit or else others will use them instead. Eat or be ate. It was not the survival of the most intelligent or the strongest, the one that survived was the one who adapts the fastest to any given situation and knows when to take the opportunities that arise before them and how to manipulate them in their advantages so they will be the victors.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together