
Fear Me, Consume Me



5 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 05:41 AM
I used to rule the world.
Seas would rise when I gave the word.
The biting cold chilled his collosal pads into clumsy numbness, cold seeped into his toes and spread painfully throughout his limbs as he submerged completely, leaving himself at the mercy of the water. Not completely though, he was not absurd, his limbs were spread equally on both sides in order to prevent any slipping and to aid his balance. When he rose above the water after a few minutes, one could notice his lips turned a more blueish hue and his murderous canines chattered like a pneumatic drill. He began to loose his sense of time while he was underneath the water, had he been there there for minutes or hours? A quick peek of silver lenses registered the woman was still there. Must not have been long then. The frigid wind poked him like icy fingers and wrapped around him like a shawl woven from the snow itself. It was time to get out.

Upon the land it might have been even worse. Cold stalked the man like a specter death, the bitter wind laughed as it tore right to his beating heart and turned his blood to icy sludge. Even his muscles began to ache and grind like the cogs in old machine but he was still able to register the woman sounds. A fool I am not, love. masculine baritones erupted from the back of his throat, ivories chattered all the while his pads drew him nearer, closing the distance between them. However, never claimed to be sane. a fail attempt at a charming smirk painted his handsome facade, his mane now clung to his feline-like bodice as the rest of his egyptian silk tendrils. He lessened his pace before he came to a halt, deciding to sit on his haunches next to the offering. Even this mortal seemed to know of his royal heritage and thus offered him a sacrifice like it was meant to a God. It is not much but it shall do. he chattered away, waiting for her to approach. Not that he got a better look at her she was not that bad, some might even say pretty. Her sandy pigmentation was a delight to his own gaze fore it resembled the desert and desert habitants that he still cared for deeply.

" words of a god"
"words of ramses"

I used to roll the dice.
Feel the fear in my enemies eyes.
html by castlegraphics; image by ghostlyspirit
Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise