
silent whispers silent tears



07-13-2013, 01:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It took a fraction of a moment and a partially confused stare for Ashtoreth to catch on to what it was Leon was actually asking. The seriousness of the topic was nearly too much for her, and quietly, her eyes shifting away from his, she drew her leg back, righting herself so that she could sit straight and naturally. "No," she answered simply, her tone a little quieter, "no, he didn't." It hardly made things any better though. In the moment, she had been too frightened for her life to give thought to the other sort of damages that the male wolf could have done to her. He was foe enough merely trying to tear a chunk of her leg off let alone completely taking advantage of her in the way only a male could. It was only after the fact that the thought had arisen, and she had set it aside quickly, though she knew it was one surely everyone would have wondered had they heard the story.

Leon was ever perceptive though. Perhaps for his own emotional stability as well as hers, he willingly went along with her change in subject, grinning wryly as she mentioned his den. My den, she thought stubbornly, though her possessiveness was only for play. Even when she thought of it it was still Leon's den, not hers. Time couldn't erase that fact as easily as it could others, particularly because of the significance he played in her life and how difficult his absence had been. But he was here now, she reminded herself, and would be, she hoped, for a long while yet.

When he answered her, still grinning, her brow quirked and her lips pulled easily into their own answering, curious smirk. Not want a new one? What exactly was he playing at there? Maybe her mind was working a little funny today, or maybe she was just too happy to see him, but it almost sounded like he may have intended to share. But that couldn't be right, could it? She had to be misreading his words somewhere, pulling from them a meaning that he did not intend. He had mentioned before having many other dens situated at random positions throughout the territory. Maybe he intended to go to one of those instead. "Then it's going to get awfully cold sleeping out in the snow," she answered mirthfully, joking about the whole thing since trying to make sense of it, and dealing with the truth he may have just suggested, only made her more confused.

A little moment of smiling hesitation lingered before she spoke, provoked somehow to when she otherwise might have left her statement as it was. "Though I guess I could share. For a night or so," she added, feigning reluctance about the offer. "You shared with me once, after all." And she remembered that day well. The storm, her pathetic attempt at hunting in it, Leon's perfect timing as he stole her away into the self same den that they currently discussed, sharing its closeness and warmth with her. It wasn't the fact she missed that moment that made her offer - no, it couldn't possibly be. She was merely trying to do a nice thing for her best friend. Yep. That's it.