
Lucid Dreams



3 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 11:51 AM

The way the newcomer replied to her comment brought a smile to her face, and elicited a low chuckle. The sound was far from feminine, instead hearty and strong. She wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, but she wasn't too shy to ask. "Would he?" She quipped conversationally, raising an amused brow. She was uncertain exactly where she stood in Tyranis's eyes but she'd been loyal enough she doubted he'd find and relief in her drowning, but apparently this male felt otherwise.  "Is he not fond of you?" Her gaze drifted over his form, noting the strength evident behind his coat in the form of tightly coiled muscles. He was handsome in his own right, and she knew Tyranis had an eye for pretty things, so she wondered why he wasn't so fond of Carthage.

"Carnage," she repeated the name his family used, tasting it on her tongue.  "Which name do you prefer?" She wondered if he had a preference at all, given he'd offered both names readily enough.  She had more questions she wanted to ask him, about how he'd come to live in Erovrare and what motivated him to stay here, but conversation quickly shifted back to her, and her scars.

The smirk she wore now was a playful one, trying to decide what approach she wanted to use. To lie and fabricate a grand story, as she so often did, or tell the truth? She decided on the latter.  "Depends which ones you're looking at," she admitted readily, chuckling lowly again.  "Most of the ones on my face were earned when I was caught screwing my alpha's mate.. A beauty, she was. Hard to keep my paws off her," she feigned a wistful sigh. Her banishment hadn't been a surprise to her - she'd initiated the affair as an act of defiance as much as a simple act of carnal lust. Kori laughed again at the thought.  "I certainly held my own against him. Shoulda seen how he turned out."

The tone of her voice made it hard to tell whether she was embellishing or not, or even simply telling tales, but she was smiling nonetheless. "The rest... aren't quite as memorable. Lots of fights with friends and strangers. One from a particularly vicious fox," she lifted her scarred forelimb up lightly, gesturing to it with her nose. Kori was far from shy and had no issue telling tales to strangers, though this male was a packmate.  "What about you? What's your story, handsome?" Maybe, if she was lucky, he'd keep her entertained for awhile.