
When The Seasons Change



2 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 12:36 PM
She mostly ignored Ignis for the moment as she watched the rustling with stiff posture, trying to make out what it was before she made a decision. When, after a what seemed like ages, the creature finally poked it's head out from the brush, she sighed and visibly relaxed. A white-muzzled fox stared back at them before turning and scampering away with a flick of it's bushy tail. "We're good," She finally laughed, turning to continue walking. "Although it is good to call for backup when you see something that could pose a threat, right away. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Always good to avoid or prevent dicey situations when you can."

Continuing their walk, she made sure to pay attention to both sides of the border. After they'd walked for a while and the pair reached a spot where the rapids were slowing and the width of the river narrowed, she took extra care to pay attention to anything that looked somehow... off. There was a stretch where she found absolutely nothing and was mostly satisfied, but eventually she found something troubling. Stopping, she turned to Ignis. "Here's an important lesson. Coming up to this spot, how strong were the scent markers?" she asked. The answer was, unfortunately, not as strong as the ones elsewhere. This was a thin spot. A less traveled section of border. "And what do you smell here?" gesturing in front of her, she pointed to where she'd found the stale but still worrying scent. Someone who didn't belong had ventured in. They seemed to have turned around quickly enough, but the intrusion itself was enough cause for her to feel a little concerned.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!