
bones break



7 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
02-14-2019, 02:32 PM
Apollo's eyes slid open as he heard the sound of soft pawsteps, the third eyelid sliding back slowly until he could focus on the face of the wolf who'd frozen at the sight of him. Good morning the slight, dark-furred mortal tentatively offered to him. Apollo remained silent a moment to study the younger male. He recognized him as the poisoner who had spoken up at the meeting, offering to teach their children. Apollo half-closed his eyes again. He'd been offended at the offer to teach Abraxas pups diplomacy and spying at the time - though not offended by the idea of diplomacy or information gathering, certainly he would be a fool not to see the logic in using those methods before resorting to a more dangerous violence, but rather by the idea of a mortal tainting the pups with their own ideals - but he didn't bear a grudge against the boy. You could hardly expect a mortal to understand that sort of thing. "Good morning, Rain," he rumbled in return, shifting his position to lift his head and cross his forepaws before him. "How goes the health of the pack, healer?" Despite his youth and relative inexperience, he was one of the pack's few healers and, as such, Apollo fully expected the young wolf to be capable of reporting at any time on the well-being of the pack. It was unfortunate that the pack's two most active healers were both more interested in poisons than in healing. Malleus was a trained healer, but he by necessity needed to concentrate his attention on his leadership, rather than concentrating on the health of the pack as a healer would. Apollo wondered if it was a lack he could remedy by seeking out another mortal who would serve them... though he admitted to himself that his own skill in healing was poor at best, and he would not be a good judge of a healer's abilities. It would be better to get trained a pup or two in the art, that they could concentrate on it from youth. Malleus was training Seiran, but he could not help but wonder if that particular pup would be as suited at the relatively selfless art as they could hope. He would talk it over with Malleus, perhaps.