
Gift Giving Is Harder Than It Looks



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
02-14-2019, 02:58 PM
Turning from serious to just a bit playful, Ig grinned and nodded firmly, "Oh, absolutely. Too many boring pack politics isn't good for anyone. Thin I'd rather lose a limb than sit through too many meetings sometimes." His puphood had certainly given him a limited tolerance for such things. He could handle arranging an alliance every so often, but if he had to do too much at once he might throw himself in the nearest lake.

"Kai," he repeated, rolling the name over his tongue so he could say it and hear it and more easily remember it. In the past he'd struggled with names so paying attention and repeating them was usually beneficial. "Nice to meet you."

Turning back to the trail he'd been following, Ignatius was already moving along and recapturing the scent when he answered, "There's a couple caribou with some really interesting pelts that I'd like to take down. I mostly just want the hides. Taking both of them would be great but I'm not that optimistic," he chuckled. Sephira might have tried to devise a wild plan right off the bat, but Ig was a lot less impulsive. He also wasn't as good at improvising, so there might be something to her crazy tactics.

Glancing at Kai, Ig continued along the trail, keeping an eye out ahead of him for the piebald caribou. One of them was mostly white and he wondered if they were blending into the landscape a bit. After a while he finally spotted them standing under one of the ice spires and paused. "Any ideas of how you'd like to do this? I'm open to almost any plan,"