
Put the pieces back together



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
02-14-2019, 03:33 PM
His breath caught in his throat for a moment when a snow flurry cleared for a moment and as he looked up he found Kirsi looking back at him. His heart ached instantly. Oh, wow, okay, so he definitely hadn't realized how much his traitorous heart was missing her until now. Seeing her much smaller ice-colored form before him brought a crushing wave of nostalgia forth and all of a sudden Ignatius was drowning in wonderfully painful memories.

Growing up, Ignatius hadn't had enough opportunities to know if he was truly an impulsive wolf. He supposed establishing his relationship with Kirsi had been done on a whim. One of the few things he did that was his decision, made for himself alone. So many days spent hiding from responsibility with her, he could practically feel the heat of the summer sun and the dry dirt as they'd lain in the shade of one of the few leafy trees back home, talking, laughing, and falling hopelessly in love. Next thing he knew he was sweeping up beside her.

"You know," he began, speaking only just loud enough for her to hear as he found himself leaning closer, just barely brushing his fur against hers, "I  was going to press you for more answers. I still will. I can't move past everything that happened without knowing more but," slowly, he pressed closer to her, seeking to bury his face in the fur on the back of her neck and draw her close to him. The proximity had him feeling breathless.

"I just can't do that right now. No matter how I try to, I can't stop myself from wanting to be with you every minute of every day." He must be a fool. A soft fool.