
Christmas For Scrooge



2 Years

Treat 2019
02-14-2019, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2019, 03:34 PM by Arpeggio.)
The big male did not take kindly to being teased.

As she was pulling back her paw, he moved so quickly that at first she didn't realize what happened, just suddenly felt the pinch of teeth around her slender wrist and then, just as suddenly, she was flung to the ground in front of the male. With her unable to catch herself the force of slamming into the ground knocked the wind out of her. She lay there for a moment, stunned and wheezing, as it sunk in.

"Too late," she wheezed out, irrepressibly. "We're already doomed."

She flopped back dramatically on her side as though dead, trying to catch her breath, but almost immediately lifted her head again to peek up at him. The round eyes that stared up at the big male were filled not with fear but with a shining avarice. "Teach me to do that!" she gasped out, half plea and half demand. "You moved so fast! That's amazing, I've never seen anyone as big as you move that fast and you're so..." she stopped a beat, rethinking her first impulse to say 'old' given his clearly crotchety attitude. "...Experienced," she finished in a lame attempt at tact. She shook her paw absently, flinging droplets of blood unnoticed from where one of his teeth had broken the skin. She'd managed to catch her breath, but remained sprawled where she was, eyes shining as she stared up at the male in what was obviously the seed of hero-worship.

Maybe his joints were bothering him and that was why he was so grumpy. She could fix that! She'd fix him up and he'd be pleased and grateful and of course he'd consent to teaching her how to be a great warrior. That was absolutely what would happen and not... him eating her or anything.
