



5 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 04:21 PM

The hillswere little more than a layer of poor soil over rock. They were clothed in scrubby grass too poor to even put flesh on a goat since apparently the weather had been warmer in the South. On the tops the wintry wind was fierce and bitter, and yet in the valleys it is more still and the sunshine has real warmth even though Mother Winter was still a formidable opponent come nightime. It was the first time the luciferian kind has stepped in such territory and the region took him back by it's unique features. The pale brown path was now frozen and hard enough to twist an ankle. In each depression was a small frozen puddle and so for now it was simpler for the massive man to just walk his own path over the frost. The hill was a broad knoll with a flat rocky top, to one side the escarpment fell away sharply, to the other it rolled away, gently undulant with tussocks and yet his pace lessened when his nostrils encounted the scents of others. Of many others. Was this some sort of pack establishment that he heard of? Packs were not new to him though Empires, that was what he was used to it. Not mere...mortal villages. What do you want to do, Sire? came the hissed vocals of his reptilian companion, poking his slime head from underneath his name only to gaze upon the border as the Sun God came to a halt, expecting to see some sort of..tribal beings. In these situation one is expected to, his skull drew back as a long, thunderous howl escaped his throat, pushing open his airways. It was monstrous, sounding more like the roar of a lion than wolf. summon.

words of a god
words of ramses

Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise