
As Above So Below

Osiris I


4 Years
02-14-2019, 06:07 PM
The cavern echoed the sounds of water dripping as the ebony and grey brute looked around the interior. Despite the darkness that radiated from it, the place seemed like a sturdy structure and was rather breath-taking to behold. He had become a nomad by the time he had reached these lands his mother spoke of, and he seemed to be doing rather decently for himself. There have been a few close calls, but nothing too extraordinary. His eyes shifted from side-to-side locating anything that was new to him, but, despite the occasional bit of light that bounced off the walls, there was nothing when it came to a light source, and his eyes were barely even adapted to a lot of darkness.

His ears perked up when he heard a few voices nearby, trudging carefully as to not take a misstep and end up hurting himself or colliding with the voices that came from the cavern. He was smaller, but, at least he would have a good size to run away if he needed to, but barely if the two became hostile towards him. Normally the brute's kind-nature could land him in some form of trouble, but he had been used once or twice upon his journey, so, he could possibly be able to tell if he were going to be in another situation.

A brown femme and a feline companion came into his sights. He was unsure if they would like to start a conversation, so he stayed where he was until he got a better understanding of what they were like. He wasn't going to be hostile towards them, and it was his way of learning how someone would take to a stranger before he made a full analysis of everything and decide to stay or leave.