
As Above So Below

Osiris I


4 Years
02-14-2019, 06:37 PM
The young male jolted slightly once he heard the gruff voice that came before him. This was one reason why he hated the darkness, it had it's beauty but when it came to situations such as this, it was a bit hard to pinpoint where others could be so he wasn't so easily startled. But, the allegation that he was a pervert caused him to be a little on edge. He was more formal and gentle than his brute of a brother, so if anything the feline should be pointing his attention elsewhere rather than him when it comes to that situation. He stood firm and looked at the eyes that stared at him, standing tall. He wasn't showing any dominance since he never considered himself to be such, his voice calm and formal as he replied to the feline once he had a better look at him.

"I am only passing through these lands. It was never my intention to start anything, normally I sit here and wait to see if anyone wishes to start a conversation, nothing more nothing less. You can accuse me of being a pervert, but I would never think of hurting a woman intentionally or make them uncomfortable," he retorted, "I apologize if you think that is what I was doing." Osiris never liked to start confrontations. He only hoped to possibly make a friend upon his journeys, but, when it comes to situations like this; he knew there would be trouble upon any corner so he kept his guard up. He knew that the feline was toying with him, but, it was nice to see that he was at least also looking after the female that was with him, not acknowledging her encase she didn't wish to speak, he tried his best to keep his manners in check, especially since her many scents showed she was a pack wolf, and with him being a loner he already deemed himself as lower than them.