
A Siren Song



7 Years
02-14-2019, 07:00 PM

Malicious, haunting. Devious looming force, a twisted symphony with which the succubus was lulled forward. Sinister smirk painted across her onyx lips. Heart looking for no shelter, instead painting with a different battle cry. Hazel orbs had been soaked in a ray of knowing, and with this knowledge came thirst. A thirst that was different than her usual, but still just as powerful. She felt hollow, a simple doll. Only worth what she brought to the table, aesthetically speaking. She could feel the ground moving rapidly underneath her heavenly paws. Porcelain mask once again drew blank as her pace slowed. Golden droplets of water sought to sate their lust upon the silky tendrils of her fur. Pristine white banner slapped away the wandering fingers for today the babe was not in the mood. No, she was too determined to get distracted with childish games. The babe was now more determined than ever to get exactly what she wanted.

There was only one name that stained her mind and left a bitter taste in her mouth and that was her Father. Her irritation with things seemed to be growing after she gave birth due to her hormones being unbalanced, it did not help that Hannibal has not bed her in a long time and she needed to feed. Maybe she should take a break and do something different. The bronze Goddess merged deep into the depths of the water. She was soon drawn into a trace as she imagined how easy it would be to dispose of another soul in the murky depths, preferably of the half albino beast. This drew a smirk across the babe's lips. And with that thought she was sucked deep into e reverie.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together