
As Above So Below

Osiris I


4 Years
02-14-2019, 07:30 PM
He had to admit that the female before him was certainly interesting. The brute already knew she was taking in everything about him that she could possibly use for a later date, whether it be him or something else. Her features and appearance was certainly brilliant, but, he would not question it as she seemed to believe she was high and mighty, and if that was her belief he wouldn't bring her down. He was not the one to knock someone off their high horse, especially since he had no room to judge being a loner. She introduced herself as Nephthys, an egyptian name as he had heard stories about Gods such as names likes hers, and he had a name like that as well, though he was unsure as to why his mother decided to name him as such.

He dipped his head respectfully to her, showing kindness and greeting as it was something his mother used to do to show respect so he did the same. "It is nice to meet you, Ma'am. My name is Osiris Savvil," he stated, showing off his name as well. Even though he was small, he was quick to pick up people's games, so if she planned on using him he would be very careful when it came to where he would tread. "My apologizes if I disturbed you, again, I was only traveling, was not my intent to bother you or your feline companion." He explained, stopping and kept his eyes locked back onto the female he now knew as Nephthys, giving her time to speak as he finished explaining himself.