
Just filling the spare time


02-14-2019, 09:15 PM
Unlike his fellow band member, Kvasir hadn't actually been meaning to arrive here, he'd just sort of ended up here after a series of unsuccessful trips to look for supplies to craft with had him frustrated and wandering for a while while he just tried to get a better lay of the land hoping that getting more familiar with what was where would help him to be able to find things more quickly. It had been by chance that he came across the older man's scent, and on a whim he'd followed it. He'd seen the man when Valkyrie had formed her band and now he figured they may as well properly introduce themselves to each other.

Trailing after the other for a bit, he watched the rosette marked man carefully search through the vegetation, presumably looking for a specific plant, unless he was just a very clueless hunter. Kvasir laughed to himself at the thought, causing the one he was following to glance back. Once noticed, Kvasir sauntered closer, looking at the bush that Czernobog had been inspecting and giving him a searching look. "Are you a healer, or is there another reason you're looking at every bush and plant you can find?" He'd really expected the answer to be healer.

Not one to leave introductions till the last minute with wolves he was supposed to be seeing regularly, he quickly added, "I'm Kvasir Skaldi, by the way."