
As Above So Below

Osiris I


4 Years
02-14-2019, 09:24 PM
Hearing her last statement about families, the smaller male shook his cranium in her response. All families can make stupid decisions, but a family are those who stick together and be there for each other. He knew his brother would be there for him if he needed him, but, they all have lives and freedom within this world as well. His dual-colored eyes focused on her, his voice gentle as he tried to speak a bit kinder and gentle. He knew she was upset, he could tell right away by the way she held herself and how she became hostile when he brought up his name.

"I know there are others who wish death upon their family or a loved one, I can tell that right away. I may not know a lot about you, same as you do not know a lot about me. But I know families can sometimes be all we can rely on, cause if not we die alone. My mother died recently and my brother is gone and doing his business elsewhere, and to be honest I never really had a father. Regardless, they are all still my family even if I never meet them." He paused for a moment, turning his cranium in thought before continuing. "All actions have consequences. It is not a family that causes one to perish so soon, it is the consequences one makes that causes one to die, or to die alone. I know I may be speaking nonsense to you, or speaking out of turn. And I apologize for whatever hell you had to go through I know life here can sometimes not be easy, but I don't turn away someone who is going through hell or dealing with something bad in their life. You may see me as any way you see fit, an idiot, a coward, a low ranked wolf who should have no right speaking with you, but I am only trying to show you kindness and give you time to let things out that may be troubling you. You can take your anger and frustrations out on me, I'll take it and listen," he turned his head back to her, eyes staying locked on her as he heeded her words if she wanted to get anything off her chest. Even if she hated him or said anything hurtful, he'd take her words and he wouldn't back down from her.