
Part the Waters


07-13-2013, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2013, 04:38 PM by Ryker.)

The boy ran through the mud as he tried to avoid the water. White lines ears pinned against his head as he hated the sound of the rushing water. Ryker couldn't think with all of this noise. The stars forbid he got into trouble what if no one heard him either? The pup had been around the territory when he had heard the floods. The rain was welcomed but he didn't know it would rain this much! Aqua blue eyes with a green flint in each settled on a thick fast stream before him. Backing up a few steps the boy looked in horror at the waters. Turning around behind him he saw the foliage become overrun by more flooding waters. Ryker was trapped; he was in a fork of land and water. Hesitant and confused the pup wondered if he could swim across. The waters were moving way too fast to swim in though.

The boy looked ahead at the fast running stream and wondered if he could clear it. If he did then he would be able to make it to the others. And if he didn't? A shiver ran up the boys spine as a cough escaped his maw. His persistent cough had seemed to dissipate but it came up every now and then. The young brute shook out his fur in an attempt to shake off excess water. The pup took a few steps backward before focusing his aqua blue and green gaze on the stream. Maybe he was just still smaller or it was a big stream, but Ryker didn't care. With a huff the boy ran towards the stream and jumped. When he pushed off the ground he felt his hind paws squelch in the mud as he jumped. Surely his white toes feet were brown now. The boy looked ahead as he jumped. His forepaw a landed on the other side but as the rest of his body followed his hind legs landed in the water. The young brute let out a growl as he tried to pull himself up onto the bank. With another try Ryker managed to pull himself further up, he was almost there. Soon enough another wave of water came and the boy felt himself be pulled down further. There were tiny claw marks in the mud as he tried to hold himself on the edge.

The young brute's front flew paws were soon swept away as well as he let out a yelp as he was taken with the water. His head disappeared under the water while his eyes burned from the touch of the water. Moments later his head broke the surface as the pup fought to keep it above the surface. His legs paddled the boy to the surface while the current brought him to the bank. Ryker stretched out to reach the ground as he pulled himself onto land. The young brute lay there on the bank catching his breath once more. He wondered where his parents and siblings where. Hopefully his sister and brother were alright. Resnera and Ravine were always safe right? And then where were his parents? His father had been around but he hadn't seen his mother in a while. So the bkynlaynthere trying to catch his breath. Hopefully the floods wouldn't come up too far while he was resting. Ryker wasn't going to move anytime soon, he was exhausted.

[b]"Mudder, Fadder, Resnera, Ravine..." He cried out feebly as he lay there resting.
