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7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-14-2019, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2019, 09:48 PM by Lyra.)
She was grinning when she let out the whining, long howl for her father. Long and drawn out, she was under no illusion that the wolves of the pack that didn't know her would likely be confused, as for who would be on the edge of the border shouting dad? That just simply wasn't normal. However, she was not expecting her father's enraged roar in return. Her eyes wide, fur rising, and her ears falling back in an unseen gesture of shock, and a little bit of shame, she whispered, "Whoopsie." She uh, had not been intending that to be a reaction in the slightest, and hadn't even thought about him even being worried about her call. Aaand he was going to charge right in and see... just her. Whooooops. ... she'd apologize later.

Her intention at that point was to sit still, quiet, and smirking, even when he came charging in but... that fell apart way too quickly. Already when she could scent him approaching, her tail was beating the ground; when he got close enough to see, her butt was wiggling entirely while still on the ground, her anticipation and excitement unable to be contained even knowing that he was going to come angry and expecting a fight. Claws worked at the ground, ripping up dirt - the ability to stay still was something that Lyra hadn't quite developed yet, and even less so here. Even still, when he came charging in, every inch of him angry and ready to rip into something, her eyes widened, until he paused.

A grin tugged at her lips, widening fully as the familiar tone, full of the exasperation she expected, hit her ears. Not even a second passed as the girl utterly disregarded the border, and flung herself across, barreling straight into her father with an excited, wordless shout. It was then, and only then that she realized how she had filled out; leaving as she had, she was still lanky and skinny, but now? not so much. She had the form of an adult wolf, with all the power and the strength. Nothing that of an immature yearling, and it showed as she tried to burrow like a little pup into her father's chest fluff. "DAD!" she huffed cheerfully, her tail a flailing windmill of excitement as she showered her father with all the affection she could muster. Of course, eventually, she murmured, "I didn't mean to scare you." It wasn't... quite an apology, especially with the amusement coloring the words, but it was likely as close as Chaos could get. After all, in this case... like father, like daughter; both enjoyed discord.