
Forgive and forget and die


07-13-2013, 04:45 PM
OOC// Squall to the rescue!! Just as planned hehe ;D

Dirt and dead foliage crunched under the tri-colored mans paws, the sun beating down on him through the gaps of the trees above him. So peaceful it seemed here...alot more so then where he had been previously. He had been looking for a place to rest, after walking for miles and miles into the part of...Alacritis, as he was told. Little did he know his world was about to change, drastically. Icy orbs set forward, ears twitching around as he kept an ear on his surroundings. He hadn't a clue where he was now, or even if this was pack territory, but he trekked on nonetheless. Scents began to whip all around him, carried through by the wind. He wasn't sure which direction it was coming from, but he guessed there was a wolf or two somewhere around here.

The man stopped, finding a promising place to rest near a large shady oak. He sniffed around, readying himself to lie down for a well deserved rest. Then, something pierced the silence of the forest. A cry for help? Squall turned in the direction of the call, perhaps he had imagined it? No. Another call split the air, following the first echo. Instantly, he spurred into action. His paws carried him across the ground, black pillars charging him through the brush like a locomotive. Tail flagged behind him as he bounded over shrubs and ditches, following the calls. After a quick minute, he broke through the treeline, the calls leading him to a cliff face. There he saw a white head, dangling over the edge. Eyes widened, feet carried him faster until he reached the creature.

Sliding to a stop, kicking dirt past the hanging creature, he lunged forward and grabbed onto her scruff. Blue orbs caught another figure near the rocks below, ears flattened to his skull as he pulled back with the full weight of this woman. Teeth sunk into flesh, and he pulled her up with a heave and a grunt. Luckily, he had long legs to help with traction and balance out his weight, otherwise they'd both go over, probably to meet with the other one below. He snaked her body over, dragging her a few feet away from the edge before releasing her from his grip. He then went to look over the cliff face, to the creature that was sitting down below. Peering over, he stared at the black and grey mass lying on the ground. Glancing back at the dame, he figured one of them must've tried to help the other but failed. Returning his attention to the male, he called out."Are you alright?"

Speech, Thought, You