
Whispers In The Dark


02-14-2019, 11:23 PM
Theophylaktos canted his head his head to the side as the female posed her question. It was a bit of a peculiar one, though he supposed that for some beliefs were what ruled their path. He closed his eyes, a soft “hmm” escaping him as he considered the answer. “Yes.” He answered after a moment. “Gods are definitely far different from mortal beings. They are heavenly, more powerful…” Theo opened his eyes and glanced back to the sky. “They can move Heaven and Earth… they have the power to do anything they wish.” His words were thoughtful.

“I’ve heard tale that some Gods get curious, however. That they might mingle with mortals and grace us with their presence… but…” Theophylaktos shook his head. “To think a God might grace a man such as myself with their presence is a silly thing indeed. I’m but a mere soldier from the land I hail from… nothing special in the least.” He glanced towards Kasdeya. “Though it would appear I’ve been graced by a phenomenal being all the same in you, miss Kasdeya. There is something about how you carry yourself I can’t put my paw on… but it is not a bad thing. No, quite the opposite actually.” Theophylaktos smiled gently.

“Do you believe there is a line between mortals and Gods as well?”