Just filling the spare time
02-14-2019, 11:14 PM
When Czernobog said that the plant he wanted wasn't here he made a mental note. Only deflating a little when Czern went on to say that he'd rather hunt, it was Kvasir's turn to shake his head. "No, thanks though. I've got no real interest in hunting today. Perhaps another time. I'll see you then. Or, whenever we all gather again. Whichever comes first." He did wonder if Valkyrie would summon the band again at some point and what for.
Turning, Kvasir wandered off across the prairie in search of a stream. Now that he had the idea of clay for paint he wanted to see if he could make it work.
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Turning, Kvasir wandered off across the prairie in search of a stream. Now that he had the idea of clay for paint he wanted to see if he could make it work.
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