
A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-15-2019, 12:51 AM
The male changed tactics, dropping his pretentious pomposity in exchange for snide sarcasm. Chaos' expression changed little, though he pulled his tongue back in and closed his jaws, tilting his head at a quizzical angle when the male first began to speak. He kept his mocking smile in place. The first time the stranger lisped one of his words, Chaos could let it go as the man simply repeating an unfamiliar name as it had been pronounced to him. The second time, it was obvious that he was trying to mock the lisp caused by Chaos' fangs, and each word put another nail in the coffin. Well, that was that, wasn't it? The pubescent little weasel had gone from deserving just teasing and playful banter to painting a big bright red target on his pack, and Chaos could look forward to robbing from their pack lands with impunity.

Chaos let the man finish his self-satisfied little rant before he moved, standing quietly and pacing forward a bare couple steps to give a rumbling laugh and wag his head at him in disappointment. "Oh, Lirim? Is that all? And how many big tough warriors will they bring to your pack's aid, then? Did you test their capability before you chained your pack to their desperation? I thought you were just a spoiled kid, Darling, but apparently you somehow just don't know what you're doing as an alpha. You'd hide behind the Adravendis? You'd go crying to them for help because someone would kick your sorry little asses? They ally with everyone who'll put up with their sniveling, because they're too helpless to stand by themselves let alone save anyone else. They want you to fight their battles for them. They won't fight your battles." He shifted to regard Tyranis more closely, that grin still faintly mocking. "You want to consider us a threat, good. Bring your raiders to my borders, little boy. I look forward to seeing them."

His voice was soft, and the mocking smile had not left his muzzle. Rhys would have recognized the intent fascination of his gaze though, from the hell-bent little boy he'd once been. It was the same look he got when she'd dared him to do something stupidly dangerous, or when she'd come up with a grand adventure idea and he'd start bullying Rhyme to go with them. Surely he'd matured but... how much of that was just a civilized veneer over the young heathen he'd been? He settled back on his haunches again in a relaxed slouch, mismatched eyes half-hooded. "Run home, Tyranis. Go make your alliances. Ask them what it would take for them to go after Chaos Saxe, and see who remembers what happens when the Imperialis family goes to war. Go on. I'll be waiting for you." His lip curled to expose one fang in a crooked smile. His voice caressed the words as he added, "When you know what you're getting yourself into, Darling, then we'll play."

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write