
trouble will find me


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-15-2019, 03:33 AM

"A pack whose existence goes unnoticed is no pack at all," She was smart, he had to give her that. But she was both wrong and right with that remark. "On the contrary. A pack who goes unheard of stands longer, safer from the threat of being taken. Whereas a pack who goes around trying to be known by the world makes itself a target. Especially to their enemies. Perhaps it's why Abaven has stood for so many years, while other packs have crumbled within a pawful of seasons, if not less." Throughout his time in Boreas, he had heard the challenging calls, with the challenged packs often being uprooted. Whereas Abaven it seemed, had yet to be challenged...unless he counted the temporary Abraxas intrusion, but that had never been an official challenge. Just fearmongering. A cowardly act if there ever was one. "Along with that, a pack going around trying to make itself known to the rest of the world is more than likely trying to compensate for something it lacks." He knew many an alpha in his time that tried to use such tactics to cover up the fact they were shitty fighters or weren't the kings they thought they were. Using fear instead of being a respectable or respectful leader.

She answers his question, explaining why she's here. In a way he can relate, nodding his head. It is peaceful here, that much was true. But when she asked him if there was anything on his mind, he gazed steadily at here. What kind of stranger asked such a question to another? He was suspicious of her, yes. And he didn't know what was going on in her head that she thought he would outright tell her what often troubled him. "No." A simple yet curt reply. Whether she believed him or not was on her. He didn't trust her, especially considering she was nothing more than a stranger that he just met no more than a few minutes ago. "You seem keen on trying to pry into mind. So if I may be so bold, what's on your mind?" He was curious as to why she even asked him. Was she just expecting him to open like a book?
