
Kitty Go Bye Bye


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-15-2019, 03:44 AM

He resisted the urge to make any sarcastic comments or anything similar when Shaye told Actaea to check his nose and mouth for bleeding. He was pretty damn sure that if he was, it would be obvious. But he knew that Shaye was also using his predicament as a lesson for his niece, so played the good patient as Actaea checked his wounds. His eyes followed Actaea as she moved around to check his wounds. The main ones were on his right side, which was why he had chosen to lay down on his left. Anything on his left side was minor, hardly anything to worry about if at all. Though he could feel bruising, but it was really nothing to sneeze at, either. Bruises weren't really a concern of his at all.

He briefly glanced at Shaye as she started to quiz his niece about the herbs, and he fought the urge to just grab the stuff and do it himself. Or maybe ask for some painkillers to at least dull the throbbing pain in his open wounds. Now that he thought about it, he regretted not just going to his den and sleeping it all off. "You missed all the action, Shaye. I fought the thing with a blind guy and some old guy with their own cat companions, but I took home the real prize." He chuckled as his gaze found the tiger pelt. While he could have said he did it all himself, he wasn't that kind of person. He would freely admit when he had help, or if he needed it. And it was only thanks to the others showing up that he had even managed to come away alive. Otherwise, he was pretty damn sure that tiger would have ripped him apart.

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